Pub Kamrup College, located at Baihata Chariali, Kamrup - Assam is an institute of general higher education. This College was established in 1972 as a result of decade-long popular desire and relentless effort for such an institute. The College fraternity as well as the locality at large is thankful to the concerned doyens for their able guidance and leadership in the act of initiation of the College. Started with arts stream, there are a total of 48 permanent teaching positions, additionally 25 Guest faculty members being engaged in all the three faculties- Arts, Science and Vocational Courses, and in a few professional courses in the College at present. Baihata Chariali, though semi-urban in nature, is a busy centre of trade, academic activities, and of communication. It is the junction point of two National Highways - 31 and 52. The Madan Kamdev Devalaya (remnant of the 10th- 12th century shrine, now a govt. recognized tourist spot) is at a distance of 3 kms from the College..... Read More
Pub Kamrup College Fraternity congratulates Indushri Patgiri for her recognition as author of high quality impact factor journal research papers by Gauhati University
Pub Kamrup College Fraternity congratulates Dr Barnali Deka, Assistant Professor of the Dept. of Assamese for her achievement of "Brajanath Ratha Smriti Sambardhana Sanman" Award, 2025.
College Fraternity congratulates the NSS Volunteers of College Unit Sahil Islam for being selected for RDPC to be held in New Delhi on 26th January, 2025 as a representative of NER contingent.
Students' Participation at UNURUM International Festival organized by F.M. University, Odisha
Women Entrepreneurship Development Program
Celebration of National Girl Child Day, 2025